[Rivet] [Rivet-svn] r3169 - trunk/bin

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Wed Jun 29 21:50:10 BST 2011

On 29/06/11 19:14, Frank Siegert wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> On 29/06/11 19:11, blackhole at projects.hepforge.org wrote:
>> Author: buckley Date: Wed Jun 29 18:11:25 2011 New Revision: 3169
>> Log: Allow overwriting of properties in make-plots... emi a debug
>> message if doing so. Any reason not to do this? I think the
>> last-specified value should always be used... but maybe it's like
>> this to let some global overrides work?
> So if you check svn blame + svn log you'll notice that this was
> introduced recently (r3139) to allow for overwriting PLOT
> configurations from the make-plots config file. That's a feature which I
> find very useful, so I'd like to find a way to keep it.

Aha, I thought it might be something like that!

> What is the use case for your change? I'm not sure I fully understand it
> yet.

Well, my #1 reason is the principle of least surprise: it's IMO the 
"normal" behaviour that the last value that a parameter is set to is the 
one that applies. In fact, I have a lot of existing .dat files which 
have specifically provided an override for some generated value which 
presumably will have stopped working in r3139! I only discovered this 
behaviour when being confused by some .dat files with a config that used 
to work!

It's definitely a useful behaviour to keep, but can we find a way for 
the config file overrides to be applied *after* the inline versions have 
been read? Is that a sane and expected behaviour?


Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

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