[Rivet] make-plots problems

Judith Katzy jkatzy at mail.cern.ch
Tue Mar 8 14:31:30 GMT 2011

okay, I installed tex and now it works.
Adding explicit tests would be very beneficial!


On 8 Mar 2011, at 15:16, Andy Buckley wrote:

> Are any other LaTeX commands found, e.g. latex, dvips, ps2pdf, ps2eps?
> kpsewhich should be a standard component of a LaTeX installation, and
> without LaTeX make-plots *certainly* won't work!
> Because of this, there's currently no workaround for the kpsewhich
> requirement other than to write out in the TeX file format and compile
> the plots on another machine.. That's because we've never  
> encountered a
> case where kpsewhich was missing but the rest of the required packages
> are fine. I'll add some explicit tests to the next Rivet release, but
> all that they will do is to add a more readable error message.
> Cheers,
> Andy
> On 08/03/11 13:57, Judith Katzy wrote:
>> indeed,  kpsewhich is not found.
>> can this be bypassed?
>> On 8 Mar 2011, at 14:50, Andy Buckley wrote:
>>> On 08/03/11 13:36, Judith Katzy wrote:
>>>> hi,
>>>> when I try to run make-plots using the rivet installation at cern  
>>>> but
>>>> calling from naf, I get the attached error.
>>>> any idea how to fix this?
>>> It's not a helpful error but looks to me like your NAF machine  
>>> doesn't
>>> have kpsewhich installed: can you check that with a "which  
>>> kpsewhich"?
>>> Andy
>>> -- 
>>> Dr Andy Buckley
>>> SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
>>> Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh
>>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
> -- 
> Dr Andy Buckley
> SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
> Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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