[Rivet] Minor bug in rivet-bootstrap [Re: Rivet 1.5.0 released]

Ben Waugh waugh at hep.ucl.ac.uk
Tue Mar 15 13:14:37 GMT 2011

On 15/03/11 12:51, Andy Buckley wrote:
> On 15/03/11 12:38, Ben Waugh wrote:
>> There is only one minor bug that I have discovered so far. The generated
>> rivetenv.sh sets PYTHONPATH to
>>   $INSTALLDIR/lib/python2.4/site-packages
>> but the Python libraries are actually in
>>   $INSTALLDIR/lib64/python2.4/site-packages
>> So just running Rivet out of the box gives the infamous "No module named
>> rivet" error.
> Damn, so close! Hmm, I *thought* that I was now taking the generated
> rivetenv scripts from the Rivet build, in which case the installation
> directory is actually generated (in configure.ac) by Python's own
> installation system! I'll have to check the bootstrap script again.
> In the meantime, can you take a look at the generated rivetenv.sh which
> should be in the Rivet build directory on your system (i.e. not
> necessarily the one that rivet-bootstrap tells you to use) and see if it
> also specifies lib rather than lib64? It would certainly be strange if
> Python reports that it'll be installing into one directory and then
> actually copies the files into another...


waugh> grep PYTHONPATH build/rivet/rivetenv.sh


Dr Ben Waugh                                   Tel. +44 (0)20 7679 7223
Dept of Physics and Astronomy                  Internal: 37223
University College London
London WC1E 6BT

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