[Rivet] beams definiton

Hannes Jung hannes.jung at cern.ch
Thu Mar 31 06:18:43 BST 2011

Dear Andy et al

sorry for the cryptic & weird mail.... was probably too late..

it should read:
did you already had time, to look into the issue with the beam definition 
and the file which was attached to the last mail ?
Any idea what is missing in the file which rivet needs to identify the beam particles ?

thanks a lot

On 31.03.2011, at 00:12, Hannes Jung wrote:

> Dear Andy et al
> did you already had ome time, to look into the 
> issue with the beam defintion and the file which was attached to this mail and why Rivet cando anyhtng event worsk...
> Thanks a lot 
> cheers
> Hannes
> On 28.03.2011, at 21:31, Hannes Jung wrote:
>> Dear Andy  et al
>> thanks a lot.
>> I attach a 2 event file to this mail. Is this the format you wanted to have ?
>> thanks a lot
>> cheers
>> hannes
>> <example_out.dat>
>> On 28.03.2011, at 21:06, Andy Buckley wrote:
>>> Hi Hannes,
>>> Can you make a 2 event HepMC ASCII file in IO_GenEvent format and post
>>> it to this list? We can then debug.
>>> IIRC, the logic in Rivet is that if the beam particles are declared as a
>>> pair of pointers in the the HepMC GenEvent, then those GenParticle*s are
>>> used, otherwise we have to assume that the first two events in the event
>>> record are the beams. I can't remember if we use the newer convention
>>> that beams have status == 4 in the beams projection: we do use it in the
>>> FinalState projections.
>>> Andy
>>> On 28/03/11 17:43, Hannes Jung wrote:
>>>> Hi Holger et al
>>>> hm, I have checked that the beam particles are set in IO_HEPEVT, but
>>>> still rivet does not find it.
>>>> Here is the printout:
>>>> ~/jung/cvs/rivet/myrivet>  ../../phojet/main1/main1 <
>>>> ../../phojet/main1/mb.inp > test.out & 
>>>> [3] 16489
>>>> Printout in test.out:
>>>> in IO_HEPEVT 
>>>> beam particles set 
>>>> from rivet:
>>>> ~/jung/cvs/rivet/myrivet> ../build/Rivet-1.5.0/bin/rivet-nopy
>>>> /tmp/example_out.dat CMS_FWD_11_001
>>>> Rivet.Analysis.Handler: WARN  Analysis 'CMS_FWD_11_001' is unvalidated:
>>>> be careful, it may be broken!
>>>> CMS_FWD_11_001 init phase
>>>> new event = 1 0
>>>> Assertion failed: (beams.first && beams.second), function project, file
>>>> Beam.cc, line 53.
>>>> zsh: abort      ../build/Rivet-1.5.0/bin/rivet-nopy /tmp/example_out.dat
>>>> CMS_FWD_11_001
>>>> ~/jung/cvs/rivet/myrivet> 
>>>> Any idea to see, why rivet cannot find the beam particle ?
>>>> Thanks a lot 
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Hannes
>>>> On 28.03.2011, at 08:14, Holger Schulz wrote:
>>>>> On 28/03/11 07:20, Hannes Jung wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Holger
>>>>>> ahh, thanks a lot, I will try this.
>>>>>> How are the beam particles extracted in rivet ?
>>>>>> Should this be included in the rivet part to define beam particles,
>>>>>> or in the user code ?
>>>>> Rivet checks if the HepMC has valid beam particles
>>>>> in the initialisation step to check whether the analzses to
>>>>> be run are compatible with the HepMC. IIRC this requirement
>>>>> will go away in the future but at the moment there is no way
>>>>> avoiding it. So you need to make sure the beam particles
>>>>> are set properly in HepMC.
>>>>>> Sorry for my ignorance
>>>>> You are welcome!
>>>>> HOlger
>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>> hannes
>>>>>> On 27.03.2011, at 22:25, Holger Schulz wrote:
>>>>>>> On 27/03/11 17:36, Hannes Jung wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear all
>>>>>>>> I am rying to run PHOJET with rivet, I managed to write out the hepmc record and inserted the beam particles.
>>>>>>>> It seems to be fine, but rivet cannot identify the beams. The following error appears:
>>>>>>>> ----------
>>>>>>>> ~/jung/cvs/rivet/myrivet>  ../../phojet/main1/main1 < ../../phojet/main1/mb.inp > test.out &     
>>>>>>>> [3] 12393
>>>>>>>> ~/jung/cvs/rivet/myrivet> ../build/Rivet-1.5.0/bin/rivet-nopy /tmp/example_out.dat CMS_FWD_11_001
>>>>>>>> Rivet.Analysis.Handler: WARN  Analysis 'CMS_FWD_11_001' is unvalidated: be careful, it may be broken!
>>>>>>>> CMS_FWD_11_001 init phase
>>>>>>>> new event 
>>>>>>>> Assertion failed: (beams.first && beams.second), function project, file Beam.cc, line 53.
>>>>>>>> zsh: abort      ../build/Rivet-1.5.0/bin/rivet-nopy /tmp/example_out.dat CMS_FWD_11_001
>>>>>>>> ----------
>>>>>>>> The first few lines of the hepmc file look like:
>>>>>>>> HepMC::Version 2.03.11
>>>>>>>> E 0 -1 -1.0000000000000000e+00 -1.0000000000000000e+00 -1.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 167 1 2 0 0
>>>>>>>> H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
>>>>>>>> F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
>>>>>>>> V -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
>>>>>>>> P 1 2212 0 0 3.5000000000000000e+03 3.5000000000000000e+03 9.3827000000000005e-01 3 0 0 -1 0
>>>>>>>> P 3 1 -1.9197591135156278e+00 -3.9088666188920991e-02 1.8743428161779718e+01 1.8841528606871407e+01 9.9000002932664519e-03 2 0 0 -3 0
>>>>>>>> V -2 0 0 0 0 0 1 27 0
>>>>>>>> P 2 2212 0 0 -3.5000000000000000e+03 3.5000000000000000e+03 9.3827000000000005e-01 3 0 0 -2 0
>>>>>>>> P 4 -2 4.9018658469058018e-01 5.6550380835818814e-01 -2.0026574606985077e+03 2.0026576005398924e+03 5.5999254606944934e-03 2 0 0 -4 0
>>>>>>>> P 5 -1 -2.1560772467809458e-01 -1.8019388783202768e+00 2.5303300407030580e+00 3.1138623182516181e+00 9.8999999999710413e-03 2 0 0 -5 0
>>>>>>>> .....
>>>>>>>> Any idea what I am doing wrong here ?
>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot
>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>> Hannes
>>>>>>> Hi Hannes,
>>>>>>> I am not 100 percent sure but it could be that the beams have not
>>>>>>> properly been
>>>>>>> set in the HepMC event record. Something similar showed up when
>>>>>>> recently we
>>>>>>> solved a problem with the Whizard event generator. There is a
>>>>>>> solution by Frank
>>>>>>> Siegert that may apply here as well. When filling the HepMC stuff,
>>>>>>> you could
>>>>>>> iterate over all particles and look for those without a mother and
>>>>>>> explicitly
>>>>>>> set those as beam particles.
>>>>>>> Here is a code snippet that solved the Whizard problem,
>>>>>>> the lines in blue do the beam particle finding:
>>>>>>> // Function copied from Frank siegert
>>>>>>> bool cmpGenParticleByEDesc(const HepMC::GenParticle* a, const
>>>>>>> HepMC::GenParticle* b) {
>>>>>>> return a->momentum().e() > b->momentum().e();
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> extern "C" void io_gen_event_write_event
>>>>>>> ( IO_GenEvent* iostream, GenEvent* evt) {
>>>>>>> // Add beam particles by trying to find those particles without a
>>>>>>> mother
>>>>>>> if (!evt->valid_beam_particles()) {
>>>>>>> std::vector<HepMC::GenParticle*> beams;
>>>>>>> for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p =
>>>>>>> evt->particles_begin();
>>>>>>>       p != evt->particles_end(); ++p ) {
>>>>>>>   if (!(*p)->production_vertex() && (*p)->pdg_id()!=0) {
>>>>>>>     beams.push_back(*p);
>>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> // Set the beam particles
>>>>>>> evt->set_beam_particles(beams[0], beams[1]);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> // Write the event
>>>>>>> iostream->write_event( evt);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> Hope that helps,
>>>>>>> Holger
>>>>>> ***********************************************************************
>>>>>> Hannes Jung 
>>>>>> Email: Hannes.Jung at cern.ch <mailto:Hannes.Jung at cern.ch>
>>>>>> mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
>>>>>> http://www.desy.de/~jung <http://www.desy.de/%7Ejung>              
>>>>>> Tel: +49 (0) 40 8998 3741 (DESY)
>>>>>> Tel: +41 22 76 71691 (CERN)       
>>>>>> CERN - PH
>>>>>> 40-3 B11
>>>>>> CH-1211 Genève 23
>>>>>> Switzerland
>>>>>> ***********************************************************************
>>>> ***********************************************************************
>>>> Hannes Jung 
>>>> Email: Hannes.Jung at cern.ch <mailto:Hannes.Jung at cern.ch>
>>>> mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
>>>> http://www.desy.de/~jung                                           
>>>> Tel: +49 (0) 40 8998 3741 (DESY)
>>>> Tel: +41 22 76 71691 (CERN)       
>>>> CERN - PH
>>>> 40-3 B11
>>>> CH-1211 Genève 23
>>>> Switzerland
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>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Rivet mailing list
>>>> Rivet at projects.hepforge.org
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>>> -- 
>>> Dr Andy Buckley
>>> SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
>>> Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh
>>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
>> ***********************************************************************
>> Hannes Jung 
>> Email: Hannes.Jung at cern.ch
>> mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
>> http://www.desy.de/~jung                                           
>> Tel: +49 (0) 40 8998 3741 (DESY)
>> Tel: +41 22 76 71691 (CERN)       
>> CERN - PH
>> 40-3 B11
>> CH-1211 Genève 23
>> Switzerland
>> ***********************************************************************
> ***********************************************************************
> Hannes Jung 
> Email: Hannes.Jung at cern.ch
> mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
> http://www.desy.de/~jung                                           
> Tel: +49 (0) 40 8998 3741 (DESY)
> Tel: +41 22 76 71691 (CERN)       
> 40-3 B11
> CH-1211 Genève 23
> Switzerland
> ***********************************************************************

Hannes Jung 
Email: Hannes.Jung at cern.ch
mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
Tel: +49 (0) 40 8998 3741 (DESY)
Tel: +41 22 76 71691 (CERN)       
40-3 B11
CH-1211 Genève 23

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