[Rivet] Problems with Rivet (make-plots)

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Fri Aug 17 13:31:26 BST 2012

Hi Jennifer,

Thus spake Jennifer Kieselmann (Kieselmann at stud.uni-heidelberg.de):

> mhm, I am not so sure about it, I only copied them from the
> rivenv.sh file, but you will know it better.
> The problem though is still there after changing these variables to
> the ones with /share/..

What exactly did you set the variables to? And where is your Rivet
installation? I.e. what's the output of

which rivet



Journalist: "Can you explain 5 sigma as 99.999something percent?"
Fabiola G.: "Sure, that's 3*10^-7."
(after the CERN Higgs seminar, 4 July 2012)

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