[Rivet] CMS rivet plugin for diffractive dijets (CMS_2012_I1184941)

Sercan Sen Sercan.Sen at cern.ch
Thu Dec 6 17:38:22 GMT 2012

Hi Hendrik,

Thanks for finding this !

Just to make the things a bit faster (since you are going to have a new release), I check this issue with the analysis contact (in cc) and he confirmed the bug.

jets should be reconstructed from all final state particles and later events with at least two jets with pt>20 and |eta|<4.4 should be selected.

I modify the plug-in which is attached.

changes are like the following:

const FastJets jets(FinalState(-4.4, 4.4, 0.0*GeV), FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.5);
>>>>  FastJets jets(fs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.5);

and add eta cut in the event loop:
      if (fabs(jets[0].momentum().eta()) > 4.4 || fabs(jets[1].momentum().eta()) > 4.4) vetoEvent;

Please let us know if it seems ok now.


On Dec 6, 2012, at 12:21 PM, Hendrik Hoeth wrote:

Hi Albert,

Thus spake Albert Knutsson (albert.knutsson at desy.de<mailto:albert.knutsson at desy.de>):

please find attached the rivet plugin CMS_2012_I1184941 (diffractive
dijet production).

Thanks for that analysis. One short question:

In your publication you write that the jet axes need to be within
|eta|<4.4 so that the reconstructed jets are fully contained in the
detector. In your Rivet analysis you reconstruct jets from particles
within |eta|<4.4, which will result in a smaller eta range for the

Can you please comment on this?



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