[Rivet] problem with Analysis::divide?

James Monk jmonk at hep.ucl.ac.uk
Fri Dec 14 12:05:12 GMT 2012

Anyone..?  In case I wasn't clear, this is causing a seg-fault at runtime


On 10 Dec 2012, at 19:30, James Monk wrote:

> Hi,
> I think there's a problem with the histogram divide method on the YODA-fied version of Rivet.  It takes a pointer to a scatter plot for the result, thus:
> 	  void Analysis::divide(const Histo1D & h1, const Histo1D & h2, Scatter2DPtr s) const
> and then assigns 
> 	*s = h1 / h2;
> but that / operator returns a temporary that is not valid outside of the divide method.  I'm not sure what the intent is here - should it be 
> 	s = new Scatter2DPtr(h1 / h2);
> but in that case, why not do away with passing the pointer in and just return it? 
> cheers,
> James
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