[Rivet] Rivet routine for TOTEM elastic cross-section

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Tue Dec 18 11:16:29 GMT 2012

Hi Sercan,

Thanks for the clarification. As you'll have seen, I've mailed the TOTEM
contact to see if they can submit this paper to the arXiv (and hence it
will appear also on Inspire). I'm not sure why Inspire doesn't already
find it as a CERN public preprint, but it would anyway obviously be
better for them to put it on the arXiv: maybe they just forgot...

Thanks also for the updated .info file. Just one more comment on
stylistic things: the .plot file needs a few tweaks. Here's an example

Title=$\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV
XLabel=$|t|$ $\text{GeV}^{\text{2}}$
YLabel=d$\sigma_\text{el} / \text{d}t$ [mb/$\text{GeV}^{\text{2}}$]

1. That's not a useful title! It should describe what is being measured.
Can you send me suitable titles for the three plots in this analysis and
I'll merge them in?

2. In the units, there is no reason to put the "2" in a text
environment! Why?

3. The first derivative d should not be put outside the math mode. It's
maths, therefore should be in the math block, but explicitly uprighted.
Actually, mathrm is probably more appropriate since it's still a math
operator as opposed to actual text, but \text has more or less the same

I'll fix 2 and 3; can you send me the better titles asap, please?


On 17/12/12 20:13, Sercan Sen wrote:
> Hello Andy,
>> http://inspirehep.net/record/1112269
> this is the old paper from 2011.
> totem publications:
> http://totem.web.cern.ch/Totem/publ_new.html
> This routine corresponds to the 4th paper in this publication list and
> below is the hepdata entry for this paper (routine):
> http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/red2659
> and reference: http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1472948?ln=en
> so, there is no spires or inspire id yet.
> The first pp elastic scattering cross-section was published in 2011 but
> in the high |t| range (7th paper in the list). Totem updated the results
> by extending the |t| range and published a new paper in Aug 2012. The
> routine is for the new paper which includes the latest results (in fact,
> it includes one additional plot which gives the d_el/dt at low-t).
>> For collaborations I think it's
>> also better to just list the author as "TOTEM Collaboration": although
>> there are not as many authors as on ATLAS and CMS, it's still too many
>> to list explicitly!
> OK, but I export the information from the reference as BibTeX and paste
> it into the info file without any modification. It gives the list of
> authors... I change it to the name of the collaboration..
> attached is the modified *info file. hope it is ok :)
> Cheers,
> Sercan
> On Dec 17, 2012, at 6:44 PM, Andy Buckley wrote:
>> Hi Sercan,
>> I was just about to merge in this analysis but then spotted the odd name
>> and lack of references: is this paper not available on Inspire/SPIRES?
>> The closest I could find was this:
>> http://inspirehep.net/record/1112269
>> Is this the correct paper? If so, can you fill in the reference info.
>> Once it's in Rivet, chances are that no-one will think to go back and
>> convert it to match the finally published paper, so we should get it
>> right at the start.
>> By the way, in the .info file there should only be one of the SpiresID
>> (note the second "s", missing in your version) and InspireID fields.
>> These days the Inspire one is better. For collaborations I think it's
>> also better to just list the author as "TOTEM Collaboration": although
>> there are not as many authors as on ATLAS and CMS, it's still too many
>> to list explicitly!
>> Andy
>> PS. Please check the .info file formatting: the math bits should be
>> valid LaTeX, and replace things like s**(1/2) with "sqrt(s)" (we
>> automatically convert that and "pT" into the correct TeX in the
>> documentation builder.) The description is better if it contains some
>> information from the implementer: the intention is *not* just for it to
>> be a copy of the paper abstract! Also, source files should not be
>> executable... etc. etc. ;)
>> On 13/12/12 01:21, Sercan Sen wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Attached is the Rivet routine for TOTEM elastic cross-section
>>> measurement
>>> (http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1472948/files/CERN-PH-EP-2012-239.pdf).
>>> We upload it to the mcplots: 
>>> http://mcplots-dev.cern.ch/?query=plots,pp%2Fppbar,elastic,xsec
>>> or here is direct link to the output:
>>> http://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/~ssen/LPCC/TEST/TOTEMelastic/plots/
>>> Please let us know if anything is missing with the routine.. 
>>> Thanks to Andy who check the routine in advance. 
>>> Cheers, 
>>> Sercan
>>> -- 
>>> Sercan Sen http://cern.ch/ssen
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>> -- 
>> Dr Andy Buckley, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
>> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh
>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Dr Andy Buckley, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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