[Rivet] Rivet 1.8.2 released

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Fri Dec 21 16:20:13 GMT 2012

Hi all,

We're hugely pleased (just in time for Christmas!) to announce the
long-awaited release of Rivet 1.8.2. We expected to make this release
some time ago, but large numbers of analyses have been supplied from all
directions in recent weeks and we felt it best to get as many as
possible into this new version.

So many thanks to everyone who contributed: there are now a crazy total
of 235 analyses in Rivet, if we include the MC-only ones and those which
have not been formally marked as VALIDATED. Incredible!

As usual, there are many improvements in the core system in addition to
the new analyses (check the ChangeLog), and we recommend everyone to
upgrade their production versions of Rivet to 1.8.2 as soon as possible.
We recommend that the HepMC 2.06.xx and FastJet 3 series be used with
Rivet -- earlier versions can still be used, but not as easily, and the
next major version of Rivet is likely to drop support for both HepMC <
2.04 and FastJet 2.

Also as usual, the new version is available from the Rivet website at
http://rivet.hepforge.org, either via tarballs, SVN, or the
rivet-bootstrap script.

Thanks once again to everyone involved. Our march toward the YODA-based
Rivet 2.0 also continues and the experience from the developer point o
view is that it's really very nice to use! Hopefully the first public
view of that will happen in January. We also have many other interesting
ideas in the pipeline for version 2.1 and beyond -- any students who
might be interested in getting involved are encouraged to apply for an
MCnet short-term studentship on a Rivet-related topic (see

But for now, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Riveting :)

Andy & the Rivet team

Dr Andy Buckley, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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