[Rivet] azimuthal ordering analysis

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Thu Jul 5 09:38:49 BST 2012

Hi Holger,

just to make sure:

> I am done rewriting the analysis, required actually binning the data
> points and so on. I consider it validated (plots for 20k events
> attached).
> Can I upload this safely to Rivet trunk now or will that conflict with
> today's change to YODA?

Is the version in Rivet up to date? I'd like to make the release *now*,
and I haven't seen a commit from you after your mail. Best is to put it
in branches/2012-06-aidarivet, not in trunk.



Journalist: "Can you explain 5 sigma as 99.999something percent?"
Fabiola G.: "Sure, that's 3*10^-7."
(after the CERN Higgs seminar, 4 July 2012)

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