[Rivet] python in rivet 1.8.1Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.chMon Jul 9 17:47:35 BST 2012
Dear Mikhail, Thus spake Mikhail KIRSANOV (Mikhail.Kirsanov at cern.ch): > Dear rivet developers, You can reach the Rivet developers under <rivet at projects.hepforge.org>, NOT under the private e-mail addresses of some of them. > I am resending this e-mail. You, eh, what?? It's the first time I see it. > Some time ago we discussed the following question: is it possible to > check the python installation BEFORE compiling rivet, somewhere at the > stage of configuring? Unfortunately this is not yet done and I have > an error on "import dl" AFTER half a day of compiling. What kind of check are you talking about? What kind of error do you see at what stage when doing what on what system? Please provide a proper bug report to the Rivet mailing list. Best regards, Hendrik -- Journalist: "Can you explain 5 sigma as 99.999something percent?" Fabiola G.: "Sure, that's 3*10^-7." (after the CERN Higgs seminar, 4 July 2012)
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