[Rivet] python in rivet 1.8.1Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.ukMon Jul 9 18:17:23 BST 2012
Hi Mikhail, Odd -- that "import dl" is actually a fallback in the case that "import ctypes" doesn't work, so your Python installation must have been a real mess! So I'm not sure we should add an explicit test for what should be a standard Python behaviour: we can't write our configure script to test for *every* standard Python feature that might be used! At least this should have been a runtime failure, meaning that you could update your Python installation without having to restart the compilation from scratch: right? Are you able to test the broken Python setup now? My impression is that a test of "python -m ctypes || python -m dl" should be sufficient as a test... if so, I'll add it to our configure script for next time. Andy PS. 1-2 hours to compile Rivet? Really?! You need a better build machine, or failing that, a distcc setup! Seriously, if your job is to build generators and it takes hours to build Rivet, how long does ThePEG+Herwig++ take? I'm assuming that you're already using parallel make, i.e. -j5 or so depending on your build machine. On 09/07/12 18:07, Mikhail KIRSANOV wrote: > Dear rivet developers, > Sorry for my previous e-mail with incomplete info. > > This is not a bug report, but a feature request from GENSER. On our > computer python was not up-to-date and I had the following error in the > end of compilation: > > PYTHONPATH=../pyext: \ > /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/Python/2.6.5/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt/bin/python > mk-analysis-html analyses.html > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "mk-analysis-html", line 41, in <module> > import dl > ImportError: No module named dl > make[1]: *** [analyses.html] Error 1 > make[1]: Leaving directory > `/genser1/mkirsano/GENSER/simu/work/tmp28/Rivet-1.5.1/doc' > make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 > > It seems that it happens even after the compilation, at the > documentation making. After updating python it is OK, but we understood > it quickly only because we remembered a similar problem from the past, > otherwise the reason of this error is not obvious. It is also rather > annoying that it happens after 1 - 2 hours of compilation. > > So, the request is: is it possible to check that the corresponding part > of python works before the compilation, at the configure step? > > Regards, Mikhail > _______________________________________________ > Rivet mailing list > Rivet at projects.hepforge.org > http://www.hepforge.org/lists/listinfo/rivet > -- Dr Andy Buckley, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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