[Rivet] rivet on mac osx lion

Hannes Jung hannes.jung at cern.ch
Fri Jun 1 18:53:31 BST 2012

Dear James

thanks a lot for your reply...
I also thought about this, and I think I have checked that this is not the case.
all is take from /sw/bin (also the g++ is a link to this directory) and /sw/bin is the fink installation.
BTW, do you know, what the switch AC_CEDAR_OSX in configure.as in the rivet directory does, and where it gets the environment variables from ?
If I comment this statement, Rivet compiles without problem, only it seems not to find the proper directories where the analyses etc are ... but tis might be a problem of the environment variables...

thanks a lot


On 01.06.2012, at 14:01, James Monk wrote:

Hi Hannes,

Sorry for the slightly tardy response on this.

I see you are using Fink, and that configure is picking up python from /sw/bin, and that it is also picking up g++ from /Users/jung/bin .  Both of those are not where I would expect the standard system-wide installations to be, so is it possible you have multiple, and perhaps conflicting, installations of either python and/or gcc and the stdlibs?



On 17 May 2012, at 13:01, Hannes Jung wrote:

Hi Hendrik

ok, this is then the result:
~/jung/cvs/rivet> rivet  --list-analyses
python(94831) malloc: *** error for object 0x7fff73dcf860: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
zsh: abort      rivet --list-analyses


~/jung/cvs/myrivet> source /Users/jung/jung/cvs/rivet/rivetenv.sh
~/jung/cvs/myrivet> rivet-mkhtml pythia_z2_merged.aida
python(94891) malloc: *** error for object 0x7fff73dcf860: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
zsh: abort      rivet-mkhtml pythia_z2_merged.aida



On 17.05.2012, at 13:51, Hendrik Hoeth wrote:

Thus spake Hannes Jung (hannes.jung at cern.ch<mailto:hannes.jung at cern.ch>):

even with disabling the pdfmanual, the problem remains (... the python issue).

Oh well, it seems the html manual is built anyway ... Try make install
nevertheless. You'll see the same error, but the manual is built as last
step, so the rest of the installation should succeed. The try if Rivet
runs. Good luck!

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Hannes Jung
Email: Hannes.Jung at desy.de<mailto:Hannes.Jung at desy.de>
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Hannes Jung
Email: Hannes.Jung at desy.de<mailto:Hannes.Jung at desy.de>
mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
Tel: +49 (0) 40 8998 3741
Fax: +49 (0) 40 8998 3093
DESY, CMS 01B/02.213
Notkestr.85, 22603 Hamburg, FRG

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