[Rivet] New AGILe and Rivet versions to test

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Mon Mar 19 23:01:10 GMT 2012

Thanks Anton! Last fix made, version code updated, and I'll make the 
release first thing tomorrow :)


On 19/03/12 20:41, Anton Karneyeu wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> I tested Rivet-1.8.0beta1 and patches are no longer necessary. Great! :)
> Only noticed one compilation warning:
> ======
> ...
>    CXX    UnstableFinalState.lo
> UnstableFinalState.cc: In member function 'virtual void
> Rivet::UnstableFinalState::project(const Rivet::Event&)':
> UnstableFinalState.cc:37: warning: suggest parentheses around && within ||
> ======
> For the rest I am happy with the last changes which you made and waiting
> for the final release.
> Cheers,
> Anton
> 19.03.2012 19:00, Andy Buckley:
>> On 18/03/12 19:19, Anton Karneyeu wrote:
>>> Hi Andy,
>>> thanks for the update.
>>> 1. Patches are still necessary for 1.8.0beta0:
>>> - fix pyext build:
>>> https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/GENSER/browser/GENSER3/pkgsrc/MCGenerators/rivet/trunk/patches/patch-pe?rev=7895
>> Oops! Sorry...
>>> - for some reason the rivet-nopy do compile on mac10.6 but do not
>>> compile on slc5 (see attached rivet-nopy.log), following patch fixed the
>>> problem:
>>> https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/GENSER/browser/GENSER3/pkgsrc/MCGenerators/rivet/trunk/patches/patch-np?rev=7895
>> Hmm, odd. The .la file should contain the HepMC lib path metadata,
>> AFAIK, but I've made the -L modification. I've not included the
>> -R/-rpath, as we want the binaries to be relocatable and are hence
>> avoiding use of RPATH in Rivet builds.
>>> 2. In fact the "Could not determine lifetime" error message comes from
>>> LHCB_2010_S8758301 (not from the LHCB_2011_I917009 which you updated
>>> recently). Please, see attached two replies from Frank and David. As I
>>> understand they proposed to complete internal particle table of
>>> LHCB_2010_S8758301:
>>> http://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/browser/trunk/src/Analyses/LHCB_2010_S8758301.cc#L201
>> Thanks: I've added the two genuine states and added an explicit
>> exclusion of Pomeron/Reggeon/Odderon PDG codes from UnstableFinalState.
>> I have left the warning message active for the unknown PYTHIA6 state
>> pointed at by Frank, as I'd need a more complete diagnosis to justify an
>> explicit blacklisting (there are many invalid PDG codes, why pick on
>> this one?!) Hope that's not a big problem.
>>> 3. The log axis settings in aida2flat output is not a big problem. Let
>>> it be a feature request which would be nice to have one day :).
>> :-)
>> I've made another tarball, Rivet-1.8.0beta1: can you give it a quick
>> test and let me know if I got it right this time? ;) If so, this will
>> become out new release asap... at last!
>> Thanks again! This pre-release testing *really* helps :)
>> Andy
>>> 16.03.2012 19:40, Andy Buckley:
>>>> Hi again Anton,
>>>> Apologies for the late response: I finally got time today to act on
>>>> your
>>>> findings.
>>>> The patches were very helpful and I've added (hopefully) equivalent
>>>> fixes to the code.
>>>> For the LHCb analysis, I didn't find anything in my mail archive
>>>> agreeing to hide the lifetime-lookup error messages, but I've added a
>>>> protective check to the analysis which means that it'll only print an
>>>> error if the offending PID is a hadron: this should eliminate the
>>>> warnings about reggeons from herwig++ (although I would still be
>>>> concerned that you had status=2 Reggeons in the event record! David?)
>>>> On the last issue (log axis settings in aida2flat output), there is no
>>>> support in aida2flat for histogram properties other than the title and
>>>> axis labels: they are only used in the output for make-plots
>>>> produced by
>>>> compare-histos, although I appreciate that the two flat formats are
>>>> very
>>>> similar. This can be improved when we finally release a version of
>>>> Rivet
>>>> with our new histogramming package, where the data objects can hold
>>>> arbitrary annotations as in the make-plots format. Right now I would
>>>> have to significantly change the lighthisto module to add LogX/Y
>>>> annotation support, and it would just open the floodgates for requests
>>>> for all the other make-plots features that we don't support in
>>>> aida2flat. Hope you can work around it.
>>>> I've made a new tarball and uploaded it to the usual place. It should
>>>> work fine at runtime, but if you could just test the compilation
>>>> (without patches) and let us know if the fixes have worked, that would
>>>> be great. Cheers!
>>>> Andy
>>>> On 06/03/12 23:44, Anton Karneyeu wrote:
>>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>>> tests are finished fine, there are no any serious problems. Just
>>>>> want to
>>>>> mention a few issues:
>>>>> - Two patches are necessary to build Rivet on macosx 10.6 platform:
>>>>> Patch to build LHCB_2011_I917009.cc:
>>>>> https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/GENSER/browser/GENSER3/pkgsrc/MCGenerators/rivet/trunk/patches/patch-ba?rev=7878
>>>>> Patch to build pyext:
>>>>> https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/GENSER/browser/GENSER3/pkgsrc/MCGenerators/rivet/trunk/patches/patch-pe?rev=7878
>>>>> - There are still "Could not determine lifetime" error messages from
>>>>> LHCB_2010_S8758301 analysis. Please, see attached email for original
>>>>> issue report. It was agreed to mask particles which leads to error
>>>>> messages, but probably forgotten to be implemented in the analysis
>>>>> code.
>>>>> - There is mismatch in the field LogY of PLOT section of .dat files
>>>>> produced from reference .aida file and corresponding .plot file. For
>>>>> example for ATLAS_2010_S8894728:
>>>>> contents of
>>>>> /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators_hepmc2.06.05/rivet/1.8.0alpha0/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt/share/Rivet/ATLAS_2010_S8894728.plot
>>>>> and contents of *.dat files from
>>>>> aida2flat -s
>>>>> /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators_hepmc2.06.05/rivet/1.8.0alpha0/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt/share/Rivet/ATLAS_2010_S8894728.aida
>>>>> See also attached script logy.sh which demonstrate the issue on
>>>>> lxplus.
>>>>> The last issue is not specific for Rivet 1.8.0a, was also present in
>>>>> previous versions.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Anton
>>>>> 28.02.2012 0:43, Andy Buckley:
>>>>>> Hi Anton & Peter,
>>>>>> We have new alpha/beta tarballs of AGILe 1.4.0a and Rivet 1.8.0a to
>>>>>> test
>>>>>> -- can you please work your customary and much appreciated mcplots
>>>>>> magic
>>>>>> to make sure we didn't foul anything up?
>>>>>> The tarballs are in the usual places:
>>>>>> http://www.hepforge.org/downloads/agile
>>>>>> http://www.hepforge.org/downloads/rivet
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Andy
>>>> -- Dr Andy Buckley SUPA Advanced Research Fellow Particle Physics
>>>> Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh
>> -- Dr Andy Buckley SUPA Advanced Research Fellow Particle Physics
>> Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

-- Dr Andy Buckley SUPA Advanced Research Fellow Particle Physics 
Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

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