[Rivet] Adding new algorithm to FastJetsKamel Khelifa Kamel.Khelifa at hep.manchester.ac.ukTue May 1 15:11:35 BST 2012
Hi, Thanks for the prompt reply. Who is giving the error? Herwig? Rivet? Fastjet? I get the error message when I run Herwig++ run Myprog.run -N1000 I think the problem is from Rivet since the error reads What's the exact error? Error in Myprog::init method: PxCone currently not supported, since FastJet doesn't install it by default. Please notify the Rivet authors if this behaviour should be changed. This error is in FastJets.cc file Can you send us your changes to Fastjet.{cc,hh}? See the attached files. I think the problem might be due to the fact that I've not placed the .h and .cc files in the correct locations. Where should I put them so that they can be read during compilation ? Best wishes, Kamel > Basically, I have modified the FastJets.hh and FastJets.cc [Rivet > projections] to include the general kt algorithm and its e+e- version. > Although I encounter no errors when I type "rivet-buildanalysis ...." > when I try to run Herewig++ it produces the error message regarding > PxCone (as if I am trying to ask about PxCone, whilst I'm not). -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20120501/87e621fb/attachment.html> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: FastJets.hh Type: text/x-c++hdr Size: 8482 bytes Desc: FastJets.hh URL: <http://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20120501/87e621fb/attachment.hh> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: FastJets.cc Type: text/x-c++src Size: 9567 bytes Desc: FastJets.cc URL: <http://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20120501/87e621fb/attachment.cc>
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