[Rivet] Atlas ET flow Rivet routine

Peter Wijeratne paw at cern.ch
Wed May 16 16:37:31 BST 2012

Hello Riveters,

I'm cleaning up the soon-to-be-committed Atlas ET flow Rivet routine and am
trying to determine what the official Rivet policy is for normalisation.
I'm sure this point has been raised before, but it's this: if the routine
normalises plots itself and a user wishes to run parallel jobs, the
resulting output when merged with hadd will not be correct. The only
obvious way to correctly merge would be to ensure each selected the same
number of events and take an average. I've had a look at an official Atlas


And it seems that things are self-contained, eg. the plots are normalised
within the routine. My question is this - when it comes to official Rivet
routines, is it standard policy to assume a "single job" environment, and
leave it to the user to merge normalised histograms correctly?

Thanks for the help; if this question is misdirected, please point me to
the appropriate forum.

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