[Rivet] ATLAS analysis to be included into RivetRoman Lysak lysak at fzu.czWed Nov 28 20:05:30 GMT 2012
Dear Rivet authors, we have prepared an analysis from Atlas experiment which we would like to include into Rivet. We validated that the routine produces consistent results comparing to results in the paper. All necessary information can be found in the attachment. Please let me know if anything else is required. Thanks, Roman Lysak BTW, while using rivet tools, I needed to make simple modification to two scripts in order to be more useful: 1) aidamerge - I added possibility to sum the .aida files (the original version makes an average) 2) root2flat - I modified it to work with TGraphErrors I'm attaching both in case you would think they could be useful for the others. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ATLAS_2012_I1188891.aida Type: text/xml Size: 9778 bytes Desc: not available URL: <http://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20121128/a0c341d6/attachment.xml> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ATLAS_2012_I1188891.cc Type: text/x-c++src Size: 6785 bytes Desc: not available URL: <http://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20121128/a0c341d6/attachment.cc> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ATLAS_2012_I1188891.info Type: application/x-info Size: 1467 bytes Desc: not available URL: <http://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20121128/a0c341d6/attachment.info> -------------- next part -------------- # BEGIN PLOT /ATLAS_2012_I1188891/d01-x01-y01 Title= XLabel=Jet $p_T$~[GeV] YLabel=BB fraction [$\%$] # END PLOT # BEGIN PLOT /ATLAS_2012_I1188891/d02-x01-y01 Title= XLabel=Jet $p_T$~[GeV] YLabel=BC fraction [$\%$] # END PLOT # BEGIN PLOT /ATLAS_2012_I1188891/d03-x01-y01 Title= XLabel=Jet $p_T$~[GeV] YLabel=CC fraction [$\%$] # END PLOT # BEGIN PLOT /ATLAS_2012_I1188891/d04-x01-y01 Title= XLabel=Jet $p_T$~[GeV] YLabel=BU fraction [$\%$] # END PLOT # BEGIN PLOT /ATLAS_2012_I1188891/d05-x01-y01 Title= XLabel=Jet $p_T$~[GeV] YLabel=CU fraction [$\%$] # END PLOT # BEGIN PLOT /ATLAS_2012_I1188891/d06-x01-y01 Title= XLabel=Jet $p_T$~[GeV] YLabel=UU fraction [$\%$] # END PLOT -------------- next part -------------- #! /usr/bin/env python import sys, os, copy from math import sqrt from subprocess import Popen import lighthisto ## Try to load faster but non-standard cElementTree module try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET except ImportError: try: import cElementTree as ET except ImportError: try: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET except: sys.stderr.write("Can't load the ElementTree XML parser: please install it!\n") sys.exit(1) from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog aidafile [aidafile2 ...]") parser.add_option("-o", "--outfile", dest="OUTFILE", default="merged.aida", help="file for merged aida output.") parser.add_option("-s", "--sum", action="store_true", dest="performSum", default=False, help="sum the bin values instead of averaging") opts, args = parser.parse_args() headerprefix = "" if len(args) < 1: sys.stderr.write("Must specify at least one AIDA histogram file\n") sys.exit(1) try: outaida = open(opts.OUTFILE, "w") except: sys.stderr.write("Couldn't open outfile %s for writing." % opts.OUTFILE) try: outdat = open(opts.OUTFILE.replace(".aida", ".dat"), "w") except: sys.stderr.write("Couldn't open outfile %s for writing." % opts.OUTFILE.replace(".aida", ".dat")) ## Get histos inhistos = {} weights = {} for aidafile in args: tree = ET.parse(aidafile) for dps in tree.findall("dataPointSet"): h = lighthisto.Histo.fromDPS(dps) if not inhistos.has_key(h.fullPath()): inhistos[h.fullPath()] = {} inhistos[h.fullPath()][aidafile] = h ## Merge histos outhistos = {} for path, hs in inhistos.iteritems(): #print path, hs outhistos[path] = copy.deepcopy(hs.values()[0]) for i, b in enumerate(outhistos[path].getBins()): sum_val = 0.0 sum_err2 = 0.0 n = 0 for infile, h in hs.iteritems(): sum_val += h.getBin(i).val try: sum_err2 += h.getBin(i).getErr()**2 except OverflowError: # in case the **2 produces overflow errors # set sum to 'inf' sum_err2 = float('inf') n += 1 if (opts.performSum): outhistos[path].getBin(i).val = sum_val else: outhistos[path].getBin(i).val = sum_val / n try: if (opts.performSum): outhistos[path].getBin(i).setErr(sum_err2**0.5 ) else: outhistos[path].getBin(i).setErr(sum_err2**0.5 / n) except OverflowError: # to get back to numerics, replace an eventual 'inf' # in sum_err2 with max float available ~1.e+308 outhistos[path].getBin(i).setErr(1.e308) ## Write out merged histos #print sorted(outhistos.values()) outdat.write("\n\n".join([h.asFlat() for h in sorted(outhistos.values())])) outdat.write("\n") outdat.close() Popen(["flat2aida", opts.OUTFILE.replace(".aida", ".dat")], stdout=outaida).wait() os.unlink(opts.OUTFILE.replace(".aida", ".dat")) -------------- next part -------------- #! /usr/bin/env python """%prog Read in .root files and write out the histograms in FLAT format suitable for make-plots. Use e.g. 'root2flat file1.root -o flathistos' to produce the flat histogram files which need to be converted to AIDA files using Rivet's flat2aida tool Usage: %prog [options] file1.root Use --help to get information for all options. """ import sys if sys.version_info[:3] < (2,4,0): print "rivet scripts require Python version >= 2.4.0... exiting" sys.exit(1) import os, optparse, logging, ROOT # try: # from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed # ipshell = IPShellEmbed([]) # except: # print "Ipython shell not available." ## Parse options parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage = __doc__) parser.add_option("-o", dest="OUTDIR", default=".", help = "specify directory in which to write out converted files") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() def readROOT(rootfile): """ This is the main function that opens a ROOT file, browses its contents for histograms and tries to write the converted histos to files. """ # Open the ROOT file f = ROOT.TFile(rootfile) # Initial browse to see the structure subdirs, histonames, tgraphnames = browse(f) # Keep browding if there are subdirectories TODO: Make this work for # arbitrarily deep directory structures if len(subdirs) > 0: for sd in subdirs: t_s, t_h = browse(f, sd) histonames.extend(t_h) #primary_keys = f.GetListOfKeys() #iter_primaries = ROOT.TListIter(primary_keys) # This will convert and write the histos for histoname in histonames: writeHisto(histoname, f.Get(histoname)) for tgraphname in tgraphnames: writeHisto(tgraphname, f.Get(tgraphname), True) def browse(f, branch=None): """ This function browses a file/branch, trying to find objects that either inherit from TH1 or from TProfile. """ # Prepare return values histos = [] tgraphs = [] subdirs = [] # Get Iterator if branch: f.Cd(branch) primary_keys = ROOT.gDirectory.GetListOfKeys() iter_primaries = ROOT.TListIter(primary_keys) if branch: f.Cd('..') # Iterate over iterator for i in xrange(len(primary_keys)): if branch: t_n = branch + '/' + iter_primaries.Next().GetName() else: t_n = iter_primaries.Next().GetName() # Make sure we don't have a NoneType object here if f.Get(t_n): # Check if the curent hing is a directory if type(f.Get(t_n)) == ROOT.TDirectoryFile: subdirs.append(t_n) # Check if the curent hing is a histogram elif f.Get(t_n).InheritsFrom("TH1") or f.Get(t_n).InheritsFrom("TProfile"): histos.append(t_n) elif f.Get(t_n).InheritsFrom("TGraphAsymmErrors") or f.Get(t_n).InheritsFrom("TGraphErrors"): tgraphs.append(t_n) return subdirs, histos, tgraphs def convertHisto(R_histo): """ This function reads a single ROOT histo and converts it into the FLAT format suitable for plotting with make-plots. """ title = R_histo.GetTitle().replace("#","\\") xtitle= R_histo.GetXaxis().GetTitle().replace("#","\\") ytitle= R_histo.GetYaxis().GetTitle().replace("#","\\") bins = getBinsFromTH1F(R_histo) for bin in bins: try: binstr = "" for key in ["xlow", "xhigh", "y", "y_err_low", "y_err_high"]: binstr += "%s: %e " % (key, bin[key]) logging.info(binstr) except: pass return title, xtitle, ytitle, bins def convertTGraph(TGraph): title = TGraph.GetTitle().replace("#","\\") xtitle= TGraph.GetXaxis().GetTitle().replace("#","\\") ytitle= TGraph.GetYaxis().GetTitle().replace("#","\\") bins = getBinsFromTGraph(TGraph) return title, xtitle, ytitle, bins def getBinsFromTH1F(R_histo): """ A little helper function that returns a list of bin-dictionaries). """ allbins=[] for ii in xrange(R_histo.GetNbinsX()): i = ii + 1 xlow = R_histo.GetBinLowEdge(i) xhigh = xlow + R_histo.GetBinWidth(i) y = R_histo.GetBinContent(i) y_err = R_histo.GetBinError(i) bin = {"xlow":xlow, "xhigh":xhigh, "y":y, "y_err_low":y_err, "y_err_high":y_err} allbins.append(bin) return allbins def getBinsFromTGraph(TGraph): allbins=[] X = TGraph.GetX() Y = TGraph.GetY() for ii in xrange(TGraph.GetN()): i = ii + 1 xlow = X[i] - TGraph.GetErrorXlow(i) xhigh = X[i] + TGraph.GetErrorXhigh(i) y = Y[i] y_err_low = TGraph.GetErrorYlow(i) y_err_high = TGraph.GetErrorYhigh(i) bin = {"xlow":xlow, "xhigh":xhigh, "y":y, "y_err_low":y_err_low, "y_err_high":y_err_high} allbins.append(bin) return allbins def writeHisto(name, R_histo, tgraph=False): """ This writes the histogram into a single file, ready to plot with make-plots. """ if tgraph: title, xlabel, ylabel, bins = convertTGraph(R_histo) else: title, xlabel, ylabel, bins = convertHisto(R_histo) head = "# BEGIN PLOT\nTitle=%s\nLegend=1\nLogY=1\nDrawOnly=%s\n" % (title, name) head += "XLabel=%s\nYLabel=%s\n# END PLOT\n" % (xlabel, ylabel) histo = getFlatHisto(bins, name, title) flatname = name.replace("/","_") + ".dat" if flatname.startswith("_"): flatname = flatname[1:] flatfile = os.path.join(opts.OUTDIR, flatname) f = open(flatfile, "w") f.write(head) f.write("\n") f.write(histo) f.close() def getFlatHisto(bins, name, title): """ This returns a histo in the FLAT format. """ histo= "# BEGIN HISTOGRAM %s\n" % name histo += "LineColor=black\n" histo += "ErrorBars=1\n" histo += "PolyMarker=*\n" histo += "Title=%s\n" % title for bin in bins: histo += "%.8e\t%.8e\t%.8e\t%.8e\t%.8e\n" % (bin["xlow"], bin["xhigh"], bin["y"], bin["y_err_low"], bin["y_err_high"]) histo += "# END HISTOGRAM\n" return histo if __name__ == "__main__": for infile in args: if not os.path.exists(opts.OUTDIR): os.mkdir(opts.OUTDIR) readROOT(infile) print "Done. Written all plot files to %s" % opts.OUTDIR
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