[Rivet] Rivet dev sprint sessionHendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.chThu Oct 11 09:17:57 BST 2012
Hi, Thus spake Frank Siegert (frank.siegert at cern.ch): > I have to second Hendrik's concern about availability of us Sherpas > then. But I had a second thought: Since at least some of us (Andy, > Hendrik, myself) are going to be at CERN on Nov 19/20, why not stay > for a couple more days for a Rivet sprint? phew ... there is still this mail about an LHCb tuning mini-workshop in Bucharest on 22-23 November lingering in Andy's and my mailbox, which I haven't made my mind up about. I was considering going there from CERN. Andy, what are your thoughts/plans for that LHCb meeting? Cheers, Hendrik -- If your dreams don't scare you, then you are not dreaming big enough.
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