[Rivet] SetBinLabel

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Tue Oct 23 11:56:44 BST 2012

Not yet, no: the bins in Rivet are purely numeric. We'll be introducing
a distinct type for labelled bins eventually... I wish it could happen
sooner, but we have very little manpower available to do this (and we
tried ROOT as a replacement histogram system... too many problems)


On 23/10/12 12:34, Sercan Sen wrote:
> Hello, 
> Is there a way to set the bin labels (NOT axis label) of an histogram in Rivet ? i.e., SetBinLabel in ROOT. 
> Thanks, 
> Sercan 
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Dr Andy Buckley, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh

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