[Rivet] Ratio plot/axis labels missing

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.ch
Wed Oct 24 11:01:03 BST 2012

Hi Christian,

Your LeadingMuonPt x label has an extra "}":
XLabel=$p_\perp^{\mu}}$ [GeV]

Note, that some of your plotting definitions "overlap" in the regexp
matching, like LeadingMuonPt and LeadingMuonPt_central. So if the
first of these should not be applied to LeadingMuonPt_central then you
need a $ at the end of the regexp to make it clear that nothing else

# BEGIN PLOT /CR_HMUMU_2012/LeadingMuonPt$


On 24 October 2012 11:42, Christian Rudolph
<c.rudolph at physik.tu-dresden.de> wrote:
> Dear rivet team,
>  in my custom rivet analysis I encounter some strange problems: I have
> several histograms, and all of them get plotted nicely with ratio plots and
> X-axis-labels, except for ALL muon pt distributions. I attached my .plot
> file and 2 example .aida files, and also 2 plots, one with the correct ratio
> plot beneath and the other without. I invoked the histogramming in the
> standard way, i.e.
> compare-histos reference.aida ue_tune.aida
>  to produce the .dat files and then
> make-plots *.dat
> for the plotting. Things also do not change when I use rivet-mkhtml.
> Could you please point me to the problem?
> Cheers, Christian
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