[Rivet] correction on ATLAS_2011_I944826 routineSercan Sen Sercan.Sen at cern.chFri Oct 26 12:13:39 BST 2012
Hello Frank, I didn't run this analysis before. However, I have been running some other analyses and add this one to the chain now to see if there is any difference. I've just run over 150K events (INEL Z2*) both the previous version and the new version in the trunk, but there is no event survive. Most of the events are rejected by the flightDistance cut of Kaon/Lambda which always returns as 1e+07. with hepmc 2.06.08 and unit is mm.. Just for my curiosity, I debug a little bit and return the pdg id of the particle from getPerpFlightDistance function where it truly returns this before the "if (decV)" scope. Events never go inside decV scope and therefore the value of the flighttd which is 1e+07 is dummy in the current code. So, all events are failed... by the way, as expected we have more events after the correction on the MBTS cuts and I think this will not be only statistical effect. * ================== OLD VERSION Cross-section = 7.130367e+10 pb Rivet.Analysis.Handler: INFO Finalising analyses Rivet.Analysis.ATLAS_2011_I944826: INFO Events that pass the trigger: 112103 Rivet.Analysis.ATLAS_2011_I944826: INFO Kshort events: 0 Rivet.Analysis.ATLAS_2011_I944826: INFO Lambda events: 0 Rivet.Analysis.Handler: INFO Processed 150000 events NEW VERSION Cross-section = 7.130367e+10 pb Rivet.Analysis.Handler: INFO Finalising analyses Rivet.Analysis.ATLAS_2011_I944826: INFO Events that pass the trigger: 127174 Rivet.Analysis.ATLAS_2011_I944826: INFO Kshort events: 0 Rivet.Analysis.ATLAS_2011_I944826: INFO Lambda events: 0 Rivet.Analysis.ATLAS_2011_I944826: INFO This is the modified analysis, revision 3975 Rivet.Analysis.Handler: INFO Processed 150000 events Thanks, Sercan On Oct 25, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Frank Siegert wrote: Hi Sercan, Thanks again for the feedback. I have implemented the changes in changeset 3975: http://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/changeset/3975 I don't have any possibility to test whether this does something significantly different from before though. Sercan or Holger, since you are probably the only two on this list who have run this analysis before, do you have any chance to check with these changes? Cheers, Frank On 24 October 2012 11:31, Sercan Sen <Sercan.Sen at cern.ch<mailto:Sercan.Sen at cern.ch>> wrote: Hi Frank, what about the "nstable" requirement... does that only look at particles >100 MeV? yes, this is what I understand from the paper -- and it's reasonable. trigger cut is 2.09 < |\eta| < 3.84 analysis cuts: |\eta| < 2.5, 100*MeV, .... I think the best way is to use another projection for the trigger requirement. Cheers, Sercan On Oct 23, 2012, at 3:47 PM, Frank Siegert wrote: Hi Sercan, Right. "nstable" part should be in |\eta| < 2.5 . So, if we extend the rapidity acceptance in the CFS projection, then we should apply a rapidity cut in the "nstable" part.. Thanks for the clarification. By the way, I don't know if we need 100*MeV for ATLAS MBTS requirement (this is applied in the current code) ? Probably, we don't need it but this should be checked by someone from ATLAS.. Then again the same follow-up question: If the 100 MeV is not necessary for the MBTS trigger requirement (pending confirmation by Emily), what about the "nstable" requirement... does that only look at particles >100 MeV? Cheers, Frank -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20121026/1e02bd08/attachment.html>
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