[Rivet] Fwd: Fwd: Recruiting Research Software Developers

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Mon Oct 29 11:35:43 GMT 2012

Some of you may be interested in this pair of computationally oriented
posts at UCL: see below. (James Hetherington is one of Bryan's former
PhD students.)


The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Fwd: Recruiting Research Software Developers
Date: 	Mon, 29 Oct 2012 12:13:31 +0100
From: 	Bryan Webber <webber at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk>
To: 	MCnet Management List <management at montecarlonet.org>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Recruiting Research Software Developers
Date: 	Mon, 29 Oct 2012 10:24:17 +0000
From: 	Hetherington, James <j.hetherington at ucl.ac.uk>
To: 	Lester at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk <Lester at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk>,
webber at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk <webber at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk>

Chris, Bryan,

Please find below a job advert for two developers to join UCL's new
Research Software Development Team. If you are willing, I would really
appreciate it if you could please forward this advert to your networks.


  Research Software Developer (2 Posts), - Ref:1290565

Information Services Division -- Research IT Services — Research
Software Development Team

Grade 7  -- Full Time

Salary (inclusive of London allowance) £32,055 to £38,744 per annum

Duties and Responsibilities

UCL has recently founded a research software development team, working
with researchers across college to ensure UCL retains the highest
standards of excellence in computational science. We are recruiting
two research software developers for the team. In this role, you will
design, extend, refactor, and maintain scientific software across all
subject areas. You will modify legacy software to run on
state-of-the-art high performance computing infrastructure, provide
expert software engineering consulting services to world-leading
research teams, and work with researchers to build software to meet new
research challenges.

Key Requirements

You have created and maintained software to address advanced research
problems in one or more fields. You can rapidly assimilate understanding
of new scientific questions, and quickly connect research needs to
software requirements. You are committed to software development best
practices, and know how to adapt these to research contexts. You are
expert in one or more languages and platforms used for scientific
computing, and are keen to expand your knowledge.

Further Details

A job description and person specification can be accessed on the web
applications can be submitted.

For queries please email *isd-recruitment at ucl.ac.uk
<mailto:isd-recruitment at ucl.ac.uk>*.

We particularly welcome applications from black and minority ethnic
candidates as they are under-represented within UCL at this level.

Closing Date 25 Nov 2012
Interview date Week commencing 10th December 2012

This appointment is subject to UCL Terms and Conditions of Service for
Research and Support Staff.

Full URL for advert in case of formatting





Dr James Hetherington,
Team Leader,
Research Software Development
Research Computing and Facilitating Services
University College London

Tel: 02035495164 (Int. 65164)
Mobile: 07946868834
Skype: ucgajhe
Twitter: @uclrcsoftdev
Blog: blogs.ucl.ac.uk/research-software-development/

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