[Rivet] Rivet dev sprint session

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.ch
Mon Oct 29 21:16:01 GMT 2012

Hi Leif,

> I toyed around a bit with the EPJC style file and checked in a new
> version of the manual in doc/paper-epjc.tex

Thanks for trying the EPJC style and sorry for the late reply. I'm not
sure whether this is supposed to be like that, but currently, the
paper-epjc.tex builds a weird-looking document for me:
The whole page geometry seems quite odd -- is that different on your machine?

Also, as far as I understood from EPJC's authors instructions, one has
to use this style:

Where did you take the current line from?

> I guess there are a couple of things we should consider before submitting:
> - the dangerous bends, warning, and philosophy environments should maybe
> be removed, or changed to better fit the format.

Yes, probably more suitable for a journal that way, and there don't
seem to be any objections so far.

> - The removed part for the standard analysis should maybe be replaced by
> a small section explaining where to access these on hepforge and a
> comment that these pages are automatically generated from the metadata.

I would suggest to add a couple of examples from that analysis
listing, and then explain in a third subsection how they are generated
and can be obtained also online.


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