[Rivet] Herwig 6.510 and AGILe HepMC issues

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Wed Oct 31 21:42:34 GMT 2012

Hi David,

Sorry, I don't have any idea why this wouldn't be working. It should be,
and did it properly the last time that I used Fortran HERWIG (which was
a while ago).

The relevant code is here:

Are you sure that the version of HepMC that was active when you first
built this AGILe module was new enough to have defined the
HEPMC_HAS_CROSS_SECTION macro? If not, this xsec-setting block won't
have been built at all.


On 31/10/12 22:24, David Bjergaard wrote:
> Hi,
> Was there any resolution to this? Is there any sort of kludge I can use
> to get the cross section calculated and working.
> Thanks,
>     Dave
> Frank Siegert <frank.siegert at cern.ch> writes:
>> Hi David,
>> From the header of the Herwig events that you posted it looks like the
>> cross section is set to infinity:
>> C inf inf
>> This is probably why Rivet refuses to read the events. Now the
>> question is why Agile is not setting this cross section correctly, but
>> since I'm not familiar with Agile, I'll let somebody else comment on
>> that. Could you just try and confirm that Rivet reads this alright if
>> you replace all of the infinite C lines with a dummy like
>> C 100.0 1.0
>> ?
>> Cheers,
>> Frank
>> On 23 October 2012 19:59, David Bjergaard <david.b at duke.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm running a local installation of rivet on my laptop, and I've
>>> installed a handful of generators by hand (the GENSER bootstrap script
>>> didn't work for me).  I can run Pythia6:426 fine, but when I try to run
>>> Herwig:6.510 rivet barfs.  I've uploaded notes on the issue here:
>>> http://hep-atlas.phy.duke.edu/HerwigIssues
>>> If you need me to reproduce this on lxplus, I can, but I need a few days
>>> since my lxplus account expired and I'm waiting for the paperwork to be
>>> processed before it gets reactivated.
>>> I'm sorry if this isn't the right channel for reporting bugs, I noticed
>>> that the issue tracker hasn't been updated since 2009, so I wasn't sure
>>> if that was still being watched.
>>> Cheers,
>>>     Dave
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Dr Andy Buckley, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh

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