[Rivet] Herwig 6.510 and AGILe HepMC issues

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Wed Oct 31 21:58:15 GMT 2012

On 31/10/12 22:53, David Bjergaard wrote:
> I'm a little confused about your HepMC question.  I installed rivet+AGILe
> with the bootstrap script on the hepforge page. It looks like the
> version it used was 2.06.05:
>> $ ls /home/dave/rivet/build/
>> agile  AGILe-1.4.0  fastjet-3.0.3  HepMC-2.06.05  rivet  Rivet-1.8.1
> AGILe works fine when I use Fortran Pythia (Pythia6:423). Would AGILe
> have been installed before HepMC? I have some notes on what I had to do
> to install rivet, but I don't recall manually installing HepMC. Can I
> force AGILe to recompile itself and see if it goes away?  

If you go into the AGILe build directory and run "make clean && make &&
make install" then it should rebuild itself cleanly. If you still get
this weird cross-section problem, please try adding a line to the code
block that I mentioned above. In fact, just adding a debug printout to
that bit of code should already force a rebuild of the relevant bit of
AGILe, but it's safest to completely rebuild if there's any chance that
the HepMC versions have got out of sync. Doesn't sound likely though,
from what you've said... peculiar!


> Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk> writes:
>> Hi David,
>> Sorry, I don't have any idea why this wouldn't be working. It should be,
>> and did it properly the last time that I used Fortran HERWIG (which was
>> a while ago).
>> The relevant code is here:
>> http://agile.hepforge.org/trac/browser/trunk/src/FHerwig/FHerwig.cc#L590
>> Are you sure that the version of HepMC that was active when you first
>> built this AGILe module was new enough to have defined the
>> HEPMC_HAS_CROSS_SECTION macro? If not, this xsec-setting block won't
>> have been built at all.
>> Andy
>> On 31/10/12 22:24, David Bjergaard wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Was there any resolution to this? Is there any sort of kludge I can use
>>> to get the cross section calculated and working.
>>> Thanks,
>>>     Dave
>>> Frank Siegert <frank.siegert at cern.ch> writes:
>>>> Hi David,
>>>> From the header of the Herwig events that you posted it looks like the
>>>> cross section is set to infinity:
>>>> C inf inf
>>>> This is probably why Rivet refuses to read the events. Now the
>>>> question is why Agile is not setting this cross section correctly, but
>>>> since I'm not familiar with Agile, I'll let somebody else comment on
>>>> that. Could you just try and confirm that Rivet reads this alright if
>>>> you replace all of the infinite C lines with a dummy like
>>>> C 100.0 1.0
>>>> ?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Frank
>>>> On 23 October 2012 19:59, David Bjergaard <david.b at duke.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm running a local installation of rivet on my laptop, and I've
>>>>> installed a handful of generators by hand (the GENSER bootstrap script
>>>>> didn't work for me).  I can run Pythia6:426 fine, but when I try to run
>>>>> Herwig:6.510 rivet barfs.  I've uploaded notes on the issue here:
>>>>> http://hep-atlas.phy.duke.edu/HerwigIssues
>>>>> If you need me to reproduce this on lxplus, I can, but I need a few days
>>>>> since my lxplus account expired and I'm waiting for the paperwork to be
>>>>> processed before it gets reactivated.
>>>>> I'm sorry if this isn't the right channel for reporting bugs, I noticed
>>>>> that the issue tracker hasn't been updated since 2009, so I wasn't sure
>>>>> if that was still being watched.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>     Dave
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Dr Andy Buckley, SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh

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