[Rivet] merging aida files

Hannes Jung hannes.jung at cern.ch
Tue Sep 18 07:19:23 BST 2012

Dear Sercan

I have been using aidamerge quite a lot, and found it is working nicely...
Yes, it is a good idea to just run several (even hundreds) jobs in parallel
and the add the histograms.

Only, you have to be careful,  when adding averaged histograms (like dN/deta etc)....
this does not work. You need to add the individual histos, and after merging, do the average.



On 17.09.2012, at 21:39, Sercan Sen wrote:


I would like to run many millions of events and this takes a lot of time even if I submit to the batch. Therefore, instead of sending a single job, I would like to split the jobs and then merge the outputs. What is effective and correct way to do this ? Do you think aida2merge script can be used safely ?

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