[Rivet] two ATLAS analyses to be included in Rivet

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Wed Sep 26 10:52:24 BST 2012

Thus spake Frank Siegert (frank.siegert at cern.ch):

> To avoid duplication: I'll deal with the WZ cross section one
> (ATLAS_2011*). The other one seems to be more of an UE analysis, so
> I'll leave that to somebody more familiar with such analyses.

I'll do ATLAS_2012_I1183818 then.

Journalist: "Can you explain 5 sigma as 99.999something percent?"
Fabiola G.: "Sure, that's 3*10^-7."
(after the CERN Higgs seminar, 4 July 2012)

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