[Rivet] two ATLAS analyses to be included in Rivet

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.ch
Wed Sep 26 20:48:02 BST 2012

D'oh, of course. Thanks for spotting this and confirming that it still
works correctly for your unweighted samples.

I have committed this into Rivet's SVN now.


On 26 September 2012 14:38, Roman Lysak <lysak at fzu.cz> wrote:
>   Hi Frank,
> you are right, your changes made the code more general and clear.
> However, there was a bug in your version of code, I fixed this (see
> attachment), tested  and the results are the same as before.
> Thanks,
>   Roman
> On 09/26/2012 12:14 PM, Frank Siegert wrote:
>> Dear Roman,
>> Thank you for these analyses. I have one comment on ATLAS_2011_I954993
>> (the WZ one).
>> When you calculate the statistical error on the fiducial cross
>> section, you are using
>> fidXS_err = fidXS/std::sqrt(AllPassed);
>> This isn't going to work in the general case with event weights, even
>> though AllPassed is correctly built using the weights.
>> In fact, it is going to be much simpler to use a Rivet histogram right
>> away for keeping track of "AllPassed", and just normalise it correctly
>> in the end.
>> I'm attaching a tarball where I have made this modification, which
>> also makes the code clearer and shorter. Note, that we can use a
>> histogram here without correcting for the unwanted bin width division
>> because the bin width is chosen as 1.
>> Let me know if you can confirm that these changes still reproduce your
>> result correctly (I have only tested that it compiles so far), and
>> I'll commit the analysis into Rivet's SVN.
>> Cheers,
>> Frank
>> On 26 September 2012 11:24, Roman Lysak <lysak at fzu.cz> wrote:
>>>   Dear Rivet authors,
>>> we have prepared two analyses from Atlas experiment which we would like
>>> to
>>> include into Rivet.
>>> We validated that they produce consistent results comparing to results in
>>> the papers.
>>> All necessary information can be found in the attachment.
>>> Please let me know if anything else is required.
>>> Thanks,
>>>    Roman Lysak
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