[Rivet] CMS forward and forward+central jets

Albert Knutsson albert.knutsson at desy.de
Thu Sep 27 17:52:44 BST 2012

Thanks a lot! No worries. I know you are working hard to keep this 
running. I understand now that the 1.8.1 release was before I sent the 


On 9/27/12 5:09 PM, Andy Buckley wrote:
> On 27/09/12 16:55, Hendrik Hoeth wrote:
>> Thus spake Albert Knutsson (albert.knutsson at desy.de):
>>> this was the 10th of July, the same day Hendrik answered he would
>>> put it in svn.
>> Which I did: The central+forward jets analysis is in Rivet.
> Very good! 1.8.1 was released on 5th July, Albert, so this will be
> "officially" released in 1.8.2.
> Sorry for the response times -- we're doing what we can, but Rivet's a
> background activity for all of us! This experience suggests that some
> "more formal/tracked" handling of incoming analysis code, and perhaps a
> more lightweight & rapid release procedure would be good... let's see
> what we can do!
> Andy

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