[Rivet] Rivet 1.8.3: blank plots nevertheless...Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chMon Aug 5 15:04:49 BST 2013
Hi Caterina, all, This looks like a really annoying (La)TeX issue that we've encountered before. Because TeX is *old* it manages its own memory allocations in a way which would be charming if it hadn't made assumptions about the maximum memory size that a computer could ever have... and expressed them in a system-dependent way. I think in this case what's happening is that the texmf.cnf file that Rivet installs (it'll be in something like $rivet_prefix/share/texmf/text/cnf/texmf.cnf) declares a main_memory entry that is being interpreted as too large to be valid by the TeX on your system. The default we've set is high to avoid TeX running *out* of memory and works on many systems, but you are seeing the opposite problem: the number is too big. So try editing that file and taking one (or two) zeros off the end of the main_memory entry and try again... and let us know if it doesn't work. We'd love to find a robust workaround for this: it feels like we're walking a fine line between not enough TeX memory and too much! Maybe we can have a look at it this week since I'm trying to set aside a bit of time to work on getting Rivet2 finalised and YODA/plotting improved a bit more. Andy On 05/08/13 10:49, Caterina Doglioni wrote: > Dear Rivet authors, > > we're trying to follow the tutorial by Andy on the Rivet page and make > some plots out of the MC_GENERIC analysis. It seems everything is > working out - except that our plots made with make-plots are blank > (aida2root let us see them, so everything upstream should have worked > out). We shouldn't fall into the category in the troubleshooting page, > and we've checked that LATEXINPUTS is set as an env variable. I'm adding > the output of make-plots below, and some info on the environment as > well, any help is much appreciated! > > Thanks! > Caterina and Cigdem > > [lxplus420] /afs/cern.ch/user/d/doglioni/Work/ThreeJet/plots/MC_GENERIC >> uname -ra > Linux lxplus420.cern.ch 2.6.18-348.3.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Mar 12 08:02:37 > CET 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux > > [lxplus420] /afs/cern.ch/user/d/doglioni/Work/ThreeJet/plots/MC_GENERIC >> echo $PATH > /afs/cern.ch/sw/XML/texlive/latest/bin/i386-linux:/afs/cern.ch/sw/XML/texlive/latest/bin/i386-linux:/afs/cern.ch/user/d/doglioni/Work/ThreeJet/Rivet/bin:/afs/cern.ch/user/d/doglioni/Work/ThreeJet/Rivet/bin:/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/contrib/gcc/4.3.6/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt/bin:/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/swig/1.3.40/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt/bin:/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/Python/2.6.5/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt/bin:/afs/cern.ch/sw/XML/texlive/latest/bin/i386-linux:/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/contrib/gcc/4.3.2/x86_64-slc5-gcc34-opt/bin:/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/Python/2.6.2/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt/bin:/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/app/releases/ROOT/5.34.01/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt/root/bin:/afs/cern.ch/user/d/doglioni/bin:/afs/cern.ch/user/d/doglioni/scripts:/usr/sue/bin:/afs/cern.ch/atlas/scripts:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin/X11:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/cern/pro/bin:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/java/jre1.6.0_18/bin > > [lxplus420] /afs/cern.ch/user/d/doglioni/Work/ThreeJet/plots/MC_GENERIC >> make-plots --pdfpng *.dat > Making 17 plots > Plotting ECh.dat (16 remaining) > Plotting E.dat (15 remaining) > Plotting EtaCh.dat (14 remaining) > Plotting EtaPMRatio.dat (11 remaining) > Plotting EtaChPMRatio.dat (13 remaining) > Plotting EtaSumEt.dat (10 remaining) > Plotting Eta.dat (12 remaining) > Plotting MultCh.dat (9 remaining) > Plotting Mult.dat (8 remaining) > Plotting PhiCh.dat (7 remaining) > Plotting Phi.dat (6 remaining) > Plotting PtCh.dat (5 remaining) > Plotting Pt.dat (4 remaining) > Plotting RapidityChPMRatio.dat (1 remaining) > Plotting RapidityCh.dat (3 remaining) > Plotting Rapidity.dat (1 remaining) > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: ECh: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: E: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: EtaPMRatio: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: Phi: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: EtaCh: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: EtaChPMRatio: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: Eta: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: Mult: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: PtCh: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: Rapidity: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: EtaSumEt: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: PhiCh: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: Pt: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: MultCh: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: RapidityCh: No such file or directory > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: RapidityChPMRatio: No such file or > directory > Plotting RapidityPMRatio.dat (0 remaining) > dvips: DVI file can't be opened: RapidityPMRatio: No such file or directory > > > > _______________________________________________ > Rivet mailing list > Rivet at projects.hepforge.org > http://www.hepforge.org/lists/listinfo/rivet > -- Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN
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