[Rivet] histogramming in Rivet

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Wed Aug 14 19:58:31 BST 2013

Hi Hannes,

There used to be some general documentation for the AIDA interfaces
online: they were defined primarily for Java but everything translated
fairly obviously to C++. The include/LWH/AI*.h files in Rivet are
probably the most direct interface guide, e.g.

The YODA histogramming in Rivet 2 has a much more comprehensive
documentation (at http://yoda.hepforge.org ), as well as a much nicer
programming interface, but you're probably already aware of that
already. Still, we encourage migration to this -- for "non-production"
use the beta releases are in good shape, the only blocker to the stable
release is fixing a few remaining analyses.


On 12/08/13 16:28, Hannes Jung wrote:
> Dear Rivet experts
> with summer-students we are coding some Rivet analyses, and
> I was wondering where I can get a good description of the
> histogramming package in Rivet 1.8 (so I am looking for the aida
> histo package).
> All my search was not yet successful, so I would really appreciate 
> a hint where I can find a documentation.
> Thanks a lot
> Hannes
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Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN

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