[Rivet] Question about running analysisBrian Shuve bshuve at perimeterinstitute.caWed Dec 4 08:02:07 GMT 2013
Dear Rivet authors, I’m sorry to bother you about something that seems trivial, but I’ve tried following the directions in the “Instructions for writing a Rivet analysis” and I’ve also checked other parts of the documentation/online tutorials, and nothing seems to work. I’ve created a new analysis based on the existing MC_GENSTUDY_JET_SUBSTRUCTURE from the Boost 2012 report. As a result, I have a MY_ANALYSIS.cc, .info, and .plot files, and I’ve built the RivetMY_ANALYSIS.so library. However, whenever I try to execute Rivet using a command like: rivet -a MY_ANALYSIS zp_ttsemi_2TeV.hepmc —pwd I get the error: ‘MY_ANALYSIS’ is not a valid analysis. Available analyses are:… The analysis doesn’t appear in the list if I use “rivet —list-analyses —analysis-path=$PWD”, and it also doesn’t work if I explicitly set the RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH. If you have any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks, Brian
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