[Rivet] Rivet plottingHendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.chMon Jan 14 16:04:52 GMT 2013
Hi Jeppe, Thus spake Jeppe R.Andersen (jeppe.andersen at cern.ch): > > What happens if you only unset TEXINPUTS and LATEXINPUTS? > > that it also works. Can you please do the following exercise three times, once with everything set according to the rivetenv script, once after unsetting TEXINPUTS and LATEXINPUTS, once without any of the TeX variables in rivetenv, and send us the three .log files: - run make-plots on some .dat file with the --tex flag to create a .tex file - put a \listfiles somewhere at the very top of that .tex file - run latex on that file Cheers, Hendrik -- If your dreams don't scare you, then you are not dreaming big enough.
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