[Rivet] [AGILe-SVN] r873 - contrib/Sacrifice/share

James Monk jmonk at cern.ch
Tue Jul 2 12:44:42 BST 2013

Hi Andy,

I didn't know that you used it at LH, but as you probably noticed, I had to update it yesterday because it wasn't working without configuring by hand on lxplus after the upgrade to slc6.  The user who pointed that out to me was using a tarball from the ATLAS generators AFS area, which was rather old, so it probably is better to keep an up-to-date version plus a few instructions on the AGILe wiki.  I'll sort that out later today...



On 1 Jul 2013, at 23:16, Andy Buckley wrote:

> Hi James,
> I don't know if you noticed but we used Sacrifice in our Les Houches
> Rivet tutorial. I've had a few people asking about it, and then being
> unable to to find it: could you maybe add some links / checkout+build
> instructions to the Rivet / AGILe / whatever web pages... and sticking a
> tarball under the AGILe downloads area (or, again, wherever you want)
> would also help to get it used. It's nice! I might be tempted into
> adding HepMC filtering to it at some point, so that there's less
> writing/reading of pointless ASCII intermediates...
> We should really do a Rivet tutorial at CERN sometime soon as well: once
> v2 is finally out!
> Andy
> On 01/07/13 19:40, rivet at projects.hepforge.org wrote:
>> Author: jmonk
>> Date: 2013-07-01 18:40:04 +0100 (Mon, 01 Jul 2013)
>> New Revision: 873
>> Modified:
>>   contrib/Sacrifice/share/setupPythia.sh.in
>> Log:
>> update m4 macros for slc6 and gcc46
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> -- 
> Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
> Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Edinburgh / PH Dept, CERN

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