[Rivet] --no-as-needed only exists for ELF linkersJames Monk jmonk at cern.chThu Jul 25 13:05:30 BST 2013
On 22 Jul 2013, at 22:35, Andy Buckley wrote: > James, do you know if there is an alternative on Macs? I believe that > the -as-needed flag (implicitly switched on?) allows the linker to be > selective about what symbols it imports from a linked library, which > presumably was overzealous at doing so when encountering the > fastjettools plugin... Do I understand that the problem here is that an analysis plugin depends on libfastjettools, say, but the main Rivet library does not? Then at runtime it only pulls in the dependencies for Rivet, not the plugin, so libfastjettools is not linked? Are we using the --flat_namspace option? On OSX this also forces the linker to search all libraries for dependencies (because the library name is no longer mangled into the symbol name), so I think that we needn't do anything in that case. In any case I've linked analysis libs against libraries that are not pulled by Rivet in the past without problem. If we do turn out to have problems then there are a couple of flags that might deal with it: -reexport-lXXXX tells it to make available all the symbols in libXXXX.dylib. It replaces -lfoo on the link line. There is also a similar -reexport_library full_path_to_dylib I don't think we need either of them though, but we should remember this thread if we ever run into this kind of problem. cheers, James -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20130725/03fb83ce/attachment.html>
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