[Rivet] Rivet "collaboration meeting"?Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.chMon Mar 18 14:06:19 GMT 2013
Hi Andy, Thus spake Andy Buckley (andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk): > So, how about we try to have a 2/3/4 day Rivet collaboration working > meeting in the next couple of months? Sometime in May might be good, > since it's still far enough away that I hope your diaries aren't already > packed full, and will prime us for discussion and work at Les Houches at > the start of June. Sounds good. > (Who else is going to LH, by the way?) I didn't get a space in LH yet, I'm on the waiting list. > So, three short questions: > > 1. Would you attend? I'm assuming that some MCnet funding is possible. Yes. > 2. Where? CERN and Durham are two obvious candidates. Others? Both are fine for me. > 3. When? Let's take mid-May as a straw-man starting point. Sounds good. Cheers, Hendrik -- If your dreams don't scare you, then you are not dreaming big enough.
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