[Rivet] Patch to compile on Mavericks

David Hall dhcrawley at gmail.com
Fri Nov 1 20:29:07 GMT 2013


I was trying to install Rivet 2.0 on OS X 10.9, and encountered a compilation error (Mac has only clang now, which is more fussy about C++ standards than gcc).

It was complaining about trying to set a const string contained in a map. This was being done in the ProjectionHandler::_clone() method. You can see that it is trying to assign _namedprojs[newproj] = nps->second;
Since the value of this map type is NameProjs, I looked at that class and saw that its keys are const. 

If I make the patch at the bottom of this email, things compile fine however. I guess you will need to look and decide if you agree with this change.


diff --git a/include/Rivet/ProjectionHandler.hh b/include/Rivet/ProjectionHandler.hh
index 2483a9a..7d42d60 100644
--- a/include/Rivet/ProjectionHandler.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/ProjectionHandler.hh
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace Rivet {
     /// @brief Typedef for the structure used to contain named projections for a
     /// particular containing Analysis or Projection.
-    typedef map<const string, ProjHandle> NamedProjs;
+    typedef map<string, ProjHandle> NamedProjs;
     /// Enum to specify depth of projection search.
     enum ProjDepth { SHALLOW, DEEP };

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