[Rivet] compile error and patch: OSX 10.6.8 or more std C++ compilerAndy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chTue Nov 5 09:57:42 GMT 2013
Hi Will, Rivet's Particle class has a fromDecay() member which allows to test for hadron or tau origin of any particle. Quarks aren't considered in this, however, due to the lack of portability. Is that sufficient for you, or not? Our tools are always evolving, but we're quite firm about not implementing "unsafe" (i.e. generator-dependent) features... but if the case for it is really good then we can try to reach an MC agreement on a standard representation. Andy On 05/11/13 10:42, William Hamish Bell wrote: > Hi Andy, > > Have there been any developments on the selection of leptons with non-hadron or u,d,s,c,b quark parents? > > Thanks and best regards, > > Will > > On Mar 15, 2013, at 3:33 PM, wrote: > >> Hi Andy, >> >> While b-tagging would be good, the exclusion of non-prompt leptons is tricky since they come from many sources. If we throw out the leptons from b-decays, then there are the leptons from c-decays or Dalitz decays (pi0 -> e+e- gamma), which can also sneak into the prompt sample. >> >> Regards, >> >> Will > -- Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN
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