[Rivet] Born and dressed level in Rivet

Holger Schulz hschulz at physik.hu-berlin.de
Thu Nov 7 16:46:36 GMT 2013

On 07/11/13 17:35, Ulla Blumenschein wrote:
> Hi Holger,
> Many thanks, this sound like a good start. I hope I will soon be able
> to compare this definition with the currently used definition in SM
> where we request the photons to come from the W/Z/lepton, depending on
> the generator..
> Cheers, Ulla
No problem.
I did a similar comparison and found (IIRC) no difference between the two

Concerning the method where you ask for photons radiated off of leptons,
does anyone
have a feeling how future-proof this would be?
What if at some point in the future there is a generator which does
NLO photon radiation, shouldn't that dressing method have an intrinsic


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