[Rivet] Born and dressed level in RivetHolger Schulz hschulz at physik.hu-berlin.deThu Nov 7 17:37:46 GMT 2013
On 07/11/13 18:10, Andy Buckley wrote: > By the way, the definition of a particle from a hadron/tau decay used in > Rivet is the one here: > > https://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/browser/src/Core/Particle.cc#L19 > > Note that we use the PID::isHadron() function rather than enumerating > "all" hadrons. This is equivalent to the function of the same name > provided in HepPID. > > Andy Ah sweet, is there a rivet installation readily available on cvmfs or lcg such that I can easily run my evgen samples through rivet with this? Cheers, Holger
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