[Rivet] Rivet hackfest, in week of 16-20 Dec?Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chTue Nov 12 10:41:37 GMT 2013
Hi Riveteers, Once again it's hard to find a sufficiently free time to have a little Rivet hack-fest, but James and I think that we can manage a 2-3 day working meeting in the week of 16-20 December, in Copenhagen. The focus would be on the cuts system, jet and tagging improvements, etc. -- i.e. the interesting future stuff rather than including more analyses, making build scripts and other drudgery! If you would be interested in attending, please let me and James know... and whether you would prefer the start or end of that week. Cheers, Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN
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