[Rivet] Rivet hackfest, in week of 16-20 Dec?David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.ukWed Nov 13 09:17:55 GMT 2013
> PS: I missed the first mail about this due to being kicked off the > mailing list due to CERN's rejections again last night. Can one > disable that behaviour on the list server until CERN fixes whatever > they are doing wrong? Hi Frank! I had an interesting exchange with the IT service thanks to Andy's incident ticket. According to them they are not doing anything wrong, and you should have explicitly whitelisted Hepforge in some MS Outlook web crap that they provide. If you want to discuss it with them, too, the ticket number is INC428837, but I have not much hope there. David Oh, and also do not include strings like "s u n d a 1 1 8 @ s z s u n d a . c o m" without the spaces anywhere in your message. The message will get blocked 100%, none of that Bayesian weighing of probabilities etc. It gets blocked even when you're trying to talk to the help desk about this string.
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