[Rivet] {Spam?} Five Year ARM as low as 3.21% APR

RateMarketplace at namegame101.com RateMarketplace at namegame101.com
Mon Nov 18 22:01:34 GMT 2013

3.22% APR*:
Is this Refi Rate
On the Way Up?
Lock in savings now!
![](http://w.namegame101.com/images/rate/bulltet.jpg)for vacation
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For whatever reason you're saving,
it's time to start now!
1001 E.Hillsdale Blvd, 7th Floor. Foster City, CA 94404 | Copyright 2011
The payment on a 30-year $417,000 5-year Adjustable-Rate Loan at 2.375% and
70% loan-to-value (LTV) is $1620.69 with 2 points due at closing. After 5
years, the principal and interest is $1809.73. Payment does not include taxes
and insurance premiums. The actual payment amount will be greater. The Annual
Percentage Rate (APR) is 3.22%. Rate is variable.
This loan is subject to availability and the stated rates and terms may change
at any time. As of January 25, 2012 loan was advertised and made publicly
available by a lender in our network. Actual payments will vary based on your
individual situation and current rates. Some products may not be available in
all states. Some jumbo products may not be available to first time home
buyers. Restrictions may apply. Lock periods will vary. Assumptions are: you
pay closing costs, your debt-to-income ratio is less than 30%; and your credit
score over 720. In the case of certain jumbo products, the assumption is a
credit score over 740. The loan to value (LTV) rate is 70%. Please remember
that your lender does not have all of your information. You will need to
provide additional information. Therefore, the rate and payment results you
see may not reflect your actual situation. We arrange but do not make loans.
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