[Rivet] Rivet 1.x updateAndy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chWed Nov 27 22:11:20 GMT 2013
Hi all, Despite having said that we were ready to release Rivet 1.8.4, I decided that it will probably smooth the transition to 2.x if we provide some behaviour changes in the AIDA version to match YODA version behaviours. The main one of these is the change to allow the W/ZFinders to exclude hadronic decay photons (as experimentally calibrated) from dressed leptons definitions. I made this change on both the 1.x and 2.x branches over the last couple of days, along with some math utils / ParticleBase extensions and further W/ZFinder constructor changes for the 2.x branch, with the hadronic photons now excluded by default. It'll need a validation run through mcplots before releasing the final 1.x version, but I'm glad that this feature addition is now in there -- it will reduce complaining/demanding another 1.x, and ease the migration work for analyses that the experiments are currently writing based on the AIDA version. However, since there are API and behavioural changes this can;t be the planned version 1.8.4, so I suggest we call this one Rivet 1.9.0: okay? I'll send this for testing by Genser/mcplots tomorrow, but will hold back on releasing until we have an ATLAS decision about this new ttbar analysis. Andy PS. I worked out how to enable commit/push emails from the hg server. If you want to get these, you can edit the .hg/hgrc file in the public/rivet repo directory on the website: the list of email addresses is quite obvious. I think maybe better that people explicitly subscribe themselves for now rather than sending them to a mailing list. -- Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN
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