[Rivet] Mercurial mails

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Thu Nov 28 12:49:54 GMT 2013

On 28/11/13 11:54, David Grellscheid wrote:
> Hi Frank,
>>> Is that the reason why I get the following messages after hg pull
>>> since a few days?
> Yes it is. Mercurial will not force you to run hooks defined by other
> people. You need to include a [trusted] section into your own ~/.hgrc
> file on Hepforge and locally: http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Trust.
> Andy, this also means that your mailing hook will not run if a push
> comes from a user that does not trust your file. There's no easy way to
> force a mail-out without cloning the repository internally as a cron
> job. We can try setting that up if you like.

Urk, ok let's try it, but definitely not urgent.


Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN

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