[Rivet] ATLAS_2011_I945498 - analysis fixed and validated

Roman Lysak lysak at fzu.cz
Tue Oct 22 13:25:54 BST 2013

  Dear Rivet authors,

there was a bug in ATLAS_2011_I945498 routine which I fixed (see the 


On 08/14/2013 11:09 PM, Roman Lysak wrote:
>   Dear Rivet authors,
> we have fixed the routine of ATLAS_2011_I945498 and we validated that 
> the routine produces consistent results comparing to results in the 
> paper.
> This routine had been previously included into Rivet as unvalidated, 
> so please update it.
> All necessary information can be found in the attachment.
> Please let me know if anything else is required.
> Thanks,
>   Roman Lysak

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