[Rivet] Rivet tracker clean-up, etc. before 2.1.0 releaseAndy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.chTue Feb 4 11:47:38 GMT 2014
Hi all, I have cleaned up the Rivet tickets and milestones at https://rivet.hepforge.org/trac/report/3 Better late than never! I've moved most AnalysisRoutine tickets for 2.0.0 on to 2.1.2: Frank S in particular, since lots of these are yours, can you check these and tick off any which are already done to satisfaction? Shouldn't take long. I've managed to get a couple more analyses converted to YODA for 2.1.0 (not so easy, but at least it's done now), so the only one remaining for 2.x parity with 1.9.0 is the ATLAS/James M 2-particle correlations one: James, can you look at that? Frank, I've merged some extra changes into the bootstrap scripts, to move the autotools building into the dev mode only. When we release 2.0.1 do you want to remove mention of yaml-cpp completely, or just set INSTALL_YAMLCPP=0 by default? Genser are testing the 2.1.0 pre-release tarball at the moment. I don't expect any problems from the new stuff (especially now that David already found a build problem), and I'll try a final lxplus build from the bootstrap but please give it a try to cross-check. Andy -- Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN
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