[Rivet] {Spam?} Pastor-kills high-blood pressure-with 1 weird-food - rivet at projects.hepforge.org

BloodPressureFix BloodPressureFix at server.nc-hostingspecialty247.us
Thu Feb 27 21:35:23 GMT 2014

I wanted to share this with other blood-pressure sufferers so that I might hopefully be able to help someone else with my experiences.  
Please see my entire story below:

"Mr. Burge, you will suffer a heart attack or stroke before you leave this hospital."

That is what the nurse told me when she took my blood pressure. It was the 1st time I had even set foot in a hospital  in years. I was terrified & my wife was in tears.

I thought about my son Ken. He had just turned his own blood-pressure around and lost a lot of weight. Whatever he was doing was 
working. So I picked up the phone & gave him a call. I could hardly speak. 

Ken told me to get in the car, drive to the nearest grocery-store & buy this 1 weird-food. I didn't want to die, so I was ready to try 
anything. I ate that food & followed the other simple steps my son told me to take. And thanks to Ken, I was able to rapidly bring 
my blood pressure down to normal. I also to my surprise dropped more than 80 lbs in the process. 

My son literally saved my-life.

Here are the few simple-steps he showed me: http://tips.nc-hostingspecialty247.us

High blood-pressure is the #1  "silent killer" - It can cause sudden deadly strokes or heart-attacks at any minute, so please check out the video that my son made right now, before it is too-late.

Best Regards,
Paul Burge
Pastor, Calvary-Chapel-Church
Monet, Missouri

Other Recent Health-Stories:

-Drug-companies HATE this anti-heart-disease super-food: http://tips.nc-hostingspecialty247.us

-71 year-old pastor lowers-deadly blood-pressure w/ this 1 grocery store-item: http://tips.nc-hostingspecialty247.us

>Go below here now to end further admessages-.

Post0fflce. Box 66O675, 
-9l726,Dallas - Texas,75266

dollar store), 1 TBS wheat grass powder, 1 TBS ground flax seed, agave nectar for sweetening, and top it off with some milk to make it more fluid. I also use bananas when I have 5769d9a9a5bc7a559bfce70ba736bf54m. 5769d9a9a5bc7a559bfce70ba736bf54 result is good, but a little gritty because of 5769d9a9a5bc7a559bfce70ba736bf54 flax seed. I don't mind, though, because I am feeling great. 5769d9a9a5bc7a559bfce70ba736bf54 flax seed not only lowers my cholesterol, but my joints feel better as well. This product is easy to clean, and that includes getting ground flax seed out of it. You have to pulse it, instead of keeping it on full blast, but it doesn't take long at all before 5769d9a9a5bc7a559bfce70ba736bf54 frozen strawberries are all blended, and I can enjoy my smoothie. It makes great milkshakes, too. I have had mine for about 6 months now, and I love it. If it broke tomorrow, I would go right out and buy ano5769d9a9a5bc7a559bfce70ba736bf54r one, because it is so handy. You can take your smoothie drink with you, because of 5769d9a9a5bc7a559bfce70ba736bf54 handy container, but I drink mine at home, so I can't really say how it fits into 5769d9a9a5bc7a559bfce70ba736bf54 cup holder in 5769d9a9a5bc7a559bfce70ba736bf54 car. 5769d9a9a5bc7a559bfce70ba736bf54re is a burning motor smell almost every time you use it, but it doesn't seem to be a problem for this little machine. You will have to make sure it is properly seated in it's motor base before you turn it on. I also like that it doesn't take up much counter space. I can leave it out, and it's not in 5769d9a9a5bc7a559bfce70ba736bf54 way. I was looking for a very small blender to make smoothies in my very small kitchen. This seemed like a good size and it does work pretty well. I make smoothies from just yogurt and cut-up fruit and 2 small ice cubes. This blender has a tendency to get stuck on just spinning around and not chopping very well unless I shake it to get 5769d9a9a5bc7a559bfce70ba736bf54 fruit and ice to 5769d9a9a5bc7a559bfce70ba736bf54 

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