[Rivet] {Spam?} 2014 Affordable Health Insurance - ObamacareObamacare_Health_Plans Obamacare_Health_Plans at findsimple.meFri Jan 3 06:13:24 GMT 2014
HealthCare Reform is here *********** 2014 Health Insurance http://imagethef.com/hxwyg/ws5301xwyg/i4SCSKSj8liCrS4QEr2GdeSiGiejS148NNSPfRwEErSeF7GdeSiG7i4SCSKSj8NuVsVfwuVw6fsfsfPRwfuX48oiX48NFiGoEdCiA84Fzdim24 Affordable Health Insurance http://imagethef.com/hxwyg/ws5301xwyg/i4SCSKSj8liCrS4QEr2GdeSiGiejS148NNSPfRwEErSeF7GdeSiG7i4SCSKSj8NuVsVfwuVw6fsfsfPRwfuX48oiX48NFiGoEdCiA84Fzdim24 ********** The law does not create socialized medicine. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office(CBO) says the law will save the country money over the next decade(not cost money). It does impose a tax penalty if you don't have health insurance(You don't have to have it, you just have to pay a penalty at tax time if you don't have health insurance). It also adjusts the health insurance policy standards(ie parents can cover children longer and you can't be rejected because you have a pre-existing condition). It doesn't create any sort of death panel that decides when you will die. It does allow doctors who talk to you about end of life care to charge the time to the insurance. It does not create a national insurance program, so you don't have to worry about doctors not accepting it. If you would prefer to not receive msgs: Cobra|Info|1 Penn Plaza#6160|NY|NY|10119 http://imagethef.com/vobqlcs/i4SCSKSj8liCrS4QEr2GdeSiGiejS148NNSPfRwEErSeF7GdeSiG7i4SCSKSj8NuVsVfwuVw6fsfsfPRwfuX48oiX48NFiGoEdCiA84Fzdim24 The law does not create socialized medicine. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office(CBO) says the law will save the country money over the next decade(not cost money). It does impose a tax penalty if you don't have health insurance(You don't have to have it, you just have to pay a penalty at tax time if you don't have health insurance). It also adjusts the health insurance policy standards(ie parents can cover children longer and you can't be rejected because you have a pre-existing condition). It doesn't create any sort of death panel that decides when you will die. It does allow doctors who talk to you about end of life care to charge the time to the insurance. It does not create a national insurance program, so you don't have to worry about doctors not accepting it. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://www.hepforge.org/lists-archive/rivet/attachments/20140103/5bd49de9/attachment.html>
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