[Rivet] crossSection()Aliaksei Hrynevich aliaksei.hrynevich at cern.chThu Jan 23 11:20:54 GMT 2014
Dear Rivet developers, I've got a problem using method crossSection(). It works Ok in my code with MC generators Pythia8 and Herwig. But it doesn't work with Pythia6 428.2 and Pythia6 427.2. Analysis just stops at the place where I'm calling this method without any errors. Is it a known bug or the problem is in my code? (seems to be not, because it works fine with other MC generators). Is there a way to make it work? I'm using Rivet in Athena on lxplus.cern.ch INFO using release [AtlasOffline-19.0.0] [x86_64-slc6-gcc47-opt] [19.X.0/rel_5] INFO Using Rivet version 1.9.0 -- Thanks, Aliaksei Hrynevich
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